Our Founder

Sgt. Deborah Elaine Powe is the creator of Veterans Solutions. This website and resources was created for Veteran & their families. Sgt. Powe served in the United States Army as a Multi-Channels Communications Equipment Operator, which was a 31M(Signal Corps).
She completed basic training at Fort Jackson, SC, Co. D 8th BN, 2nd Brigade, Signal Corp training was completed at Fort Gordon GA, D Co. 1st Bn 1st Signal Trng Bde. Her first duty station was at A Co. 124th Signal Bn, Fort Carson, CO. Her next duty station was in Korea at Camp Red Cloud Hdqts 2d Bn 71st ADA Uijeongbu. She also served at Fort Bragg NC at D Co. 25th Signal Bn.
Her county sent her back overseas, this time to Grafenwhor Germany stationed at A Btry 3/60 ADA. While serving in Germany, she was a part of her unit’s drill team. Which performed for the city of France for Memorial Day 1983. Her last duty station was Fort Hood TX at C Co. 13th Signal Bn. She was honorably discharged from the Army December 1986, and served 8 years active duty. During her military career, she received an Army Achievement Medal, a Good Conduct Medal, an Overseas Ribbon, and a Korean Defense Medal.
In March 1991, she started serving her county in the Civilian capacity as a Data Transcriber, which later became a position as a Upper Level Customer Service Specialist for the National Archives & Records Administration. She worked for that agency for 28 years. During her tenure as a federal employee, she received 2 degrees, a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science with an emphasis in Networking.
She completed that degree in June of 2003. She went back to school for her Master’s in Business Administration with an emphasis on Marketing, which she received June 2015. She decided to retire from the federal government Halloween 2019. She has always known that this website was needed for Veterans & their families. She realized that Veterans needed a site that had a comprehensive database of information that was easily available and to use. This was the catalyst for Veterans Solutions.
She has had a passion for her Veterans & their families for many years & just needed the time & space to create this much needed resource.
Sgt Powe was born in Washington DC. She graduated from Suitland Senior High in 1978. She made the decision to serve her country once she completed high school and served 8 years active duty. She married once she finished her military obligation and had one son, Derek J. Powe. He is married to the lovely Cierra M. Hill-Powe with a beautiful daughter, Zora K. Powe & handsome son, Xavier H. Powe.

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Our Mission
Our Missions is to support, assist and provide vital resources for veterans and their families. We do this to help improve their quality of civilian life and serve all veterans of all services, eras and conflicts.
Providing a carefully selected list of organizations and resources that offer a variety of services, including mental health and supportive services, financial assistance for food, utilities, and much more.